After sending many CV's eventually I got one reply. And one of the better kind. It said:
'We are impressed by your resumé stating your experience and that you play loads of instruments so could you be bothered for an interview please?'
Well, the mail did not come from a school in Britain but from a british school based in other country. And as it is british - or at least native english speaking (so is most of it's staff) - they have recruited in th UK.
So the interview went rather well, I've talked and I've played the bassoon and practically I have been assured they are in need for a bassoonist.
So, Later on I had one other interview, via Skype, with the leader of the school who seemed just as excited as my first interviewer. Finally she offered me the position.
I was happy of course. I'll get a job, i will teach music and the salary is quite alright.
Well, only one little issue.... Apparetly I need to move... to another country... something Bahrain...